Saher Khateeb

Software Engineer | Full Stack Developer

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About Me

Driven software engineer with a robust background in C# programming and a keen eye for problem-solving. Possessing a deep commitment to continuous learning and professional growth, solid track record of rapidly mastering new technologies. As an adaptable professional, I've honed my skills in various roles, consistently meeting diverse company and customer requirements. Currently seeking my next opportunity to further contribute to a dynamic team and bring innovative solutions to the forefront of the tech industry.


Web Development

I can create responsive and dynamic websites using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap. I can also use frameworks and libraries like React, Angular, Node.js, and PHP.

Software Engineering

I can design and develop software solutions using C#, Java, C++, and Python. I can also use tools and methodologies like Git, Jira, Agile, and DevOps.

Cloud Computing

I can use AWS services like S3, EC2, Lambda, and DynamoDB to deploy and manage web applications. I can also use Docker and Kubernetes to create and run containers.


AWS S3 File Uploader

C# WPF application allows uploading files to Amazon S3 using AWS SDK. Encryption of sensitive data using the AES algorithm.

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Earth Keepers

JAVA, JavaFX, SceneBuilder application. Environmental preservation project, first place in Hackathon.

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Finds: Managing and selling Car Parts Warehouse

AngularJS and NodeJS online shop for challenging and improving Full-Stack development skills.

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Waste Management System

JAVA Spring Boot Microservices backend, react web app, deployed on Linux AWS EC2. Programmed an Arduino device in C++ for seamless integration. First place in the software engineering department.

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Parks Around You

JAVA android application with database exports from Smart7 - smart city Database. Firebase for secure user access management.

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Hackathon Winner - First Place

We developed an innovative solution that won us the first place in a prestigious hackathon.

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Hackathon Winner - Second Place

We developed an innovative solution that won us the second place in a prestigious hackathon for Eco solutions.

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AWS Certified Developer Associate

Earned the AWS Certified Developer Associate certification.

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Full Stack Developer Certification Course

Successfully completed a Full Stack Developer certification course.

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Bachelor's Degree

Earned a Bachelor's degree in your Software Engineering.

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Recommendations from Past Employers

Received positive recommendations from past employers.

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